Sunday, January 29, 2006

Much Ado About Nothing

While riding the MRT today, a guy walked in the train holding a portable CD player. I noticed because (1) one rarely sees people bringing those things nowadays, with the proliferation of portable MP3 players like the iPod; (2) the guy was noisy.

Anyway, I went back to minding my own business when I hear the guy, in an agitated tone, say, in voice loud enough to be heard on both ends of the train:

"No!! Not again!"

Having caught my attention (as well as that of everyone on the damn train), he proceeds to (violently) shake the poor CD player and (violently) push its buttons. (From the scene it looked like the CD player was pushing his buttons, if you catch my drift.)

The CD player, apparently, was unresponsive, and could not be cajoled into providing the angry man with the music he so desperately wanted (and, it appears, needed-after all, "music hath charms to soothe the savage breast").

So the guy opens the player, removes the CD, and puts it back in. He then lets forth a stream of obscenities that lets everyone know that his CD player isn't working. I thought the guy was going to pop a vessel over the damn thing.

My thoughts during this outburst?

"Get a life, a man. Better yet, get an iPod."

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